These were his instructions to them: “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields."
- Luke 10:2
Life Spring Church believes in giving over 10% of all monies received to missions. We believe in reaching the poor, broken hearted, prisoners, and those who live in foreign countries.
Here are the ministries we support each month:
Here are the ministries we support each month:
Ministries We Support

Carry The Light Ministries builds orphanages and churches in Kenya, Mexico and Honduras.

WVIW sends teams into prisons across America to minister the love and hope of Jesus.

Israel Media Ministries exists to maximize
Jewish evangelism in Israel and worldwide.
Jewish evangelism in Israel and worldwide.
Colombia Missions has built over 20 churches all over
Colombia, South America.
Colombia, South America.

Soul Church feeds and ministers to over 600 homeless people in downtown Dallas every Sunday.