The Association of Related Churches (ARC) is an organization of pastors and churches that focuses on building strong relationships between pastors and ministry leaders. The ARC is available to encourage, provide guidance, and help with ministry development for pastors across the U.S. ARC's goal is to develop and share human and ministry resources to assist in church planting and growth, and to provide wisdom and guidance at no cost to the member churches. ARC also offers counseling to pastors, their wives, and their staff on a needs basis. Life Spring Church has been a part of the ARC since 2011 and loves partnering with their heart.
The Fellowship Network (Full Gospel Fellowship) is a ministry comprised of Christian leaders, churches, and organizations desiring to do a great work for God. Through our network these individuals and organizations are provided with covering, resources, and relationships that continually empower a Spirit-led life.

We exist to emphasize, encourage, and promote apostolic ministry, to promote unity and fellowship among all the members of the Body of Christ, and to provide ways and means by which these objectives may be obtained. We are a Spirit-empowered community advancing the kingdom of God.